A Personal CFO for Your Retirement

A Personal CFO for Your Retirement It’s understandable that people are confused on how they benefit from working with a financial advisor.  Some advisors pick stocks or mutual funds. Others sell products like annuities or insurance.      Some advisors do much, much...

How To Work With John

How To Work With John I specialize in retirement, and I work with clients as they prepare for, transition into, and enjoy their retirement. There are many ways to work with a financial advisor and to prepare for your retirement, so I wanted to explain the specific...

The Markets & Your Retirement

The Markets & Your Retirement It was approximately 16 months ago that we first discussed the coronavirus in these missives. At that time history was telling us that while viruses have a habit of forming frequently, rarely do they have effects on a global...

SPACS, NFTs, and Other Jungle Creatures

SPACS, NFTs, and Other Jungle Creatures “The American marketplace is an economic jungle. As in all jungles, you easily can be destroyed if you don’t know the rules of survival. … But you also can come through in fine shape and you can even flourish in the jungle—if...

GameStop & Your Retirement

GameStop & Your Retirement There’s no bigger story in 2021 than GameStop.   As social media powered Robinhood traders assault a large hedge fund there is quiet joy that Goliath is being slain by David.     The underdog is winning.  Or so it seems....

Should You Rebalance Your Portfolio in 2020?

Should You Rebalance Your Portfolio in 2020? Rebalance Your Portfolio in 2020?Watch this video on YouTube John Bubello, CFP®, CRPS® and fiduciary advisor talks about rebalancing your portfolio in 2020. Take Your Retirement Seriously With My Retirement Income Insights...