Take Back Control Part 1

Take Back Control Part 1 In 2020, politics, COVID-19 and the media have pushed us around – taking an enormous emotional toll, making us feel out of control. Focusing on things I cannot control leaves me frustrated and stressed.  So I focus on what I can control....

Investing During Uncertain Times – Video

Investing During Uncertain Times – Video Take Your Retirement Seriously With My Retirement Income Insights Success! Email Yes! Please send me Retirement Income Emails.   More from the Retirement Income Blog... A Personal CFO for Your Retirement It’s...

Embrace Optimism. Or Get Left Behind.

Embrace Optimism. Or Get Left Behind. Your Money & Your Emotions Earlier this year, stocks in the US were expensive.  But the economy was doing well and even an overpriced stock market left many thinking “any potential downturn in the stock markets should be...

Not Adding To The Noise

Not Adding To The Noise I am impressed people are able to write and talk so much.   I am unimpressed with the applicability of their “insight”. The COVID-19 pandemic appears to be past its peak in many areas,  some investment markets have recovered significantly and...

Looking Forward to Less Bad

Looking Forward to Less Bad     The markets are forward looking.  You should be too.   What’s Baked In? Unfortunately, the US medical system appears unprepared for a pandemic. So we made a choice.  And while we have collectively chosen the health of our fellow...